# Phundament 4 - Potemkin Testing Stack # ===================================== # Note: Wait until `appcli` container has completed its startup. # Spawn a new project locally # # docker-compose up -d # docker-compose run appcli ../yii # Application services # -------------------- # container to run one-off commands - a dockerized shell appcli: command: 'sh /app/src/run.sh' # should be replaced with: image: _appsrc image: phundament/app:4.0.0-rc1-dev links: - 'mariadb:DB' - 'appnginx:WEB' - 'seleniumhub:HUB' volumes: - ../:/app/vendor/dmstr/yii2-adminlte-asset #- ./_config/local.php:/app/src/config/local.php volumes_from: - appsrc environment: DB_ENV_MYSQL_DATABASE: test-adminlte-1 APP_MIGRATION_LOOKUP: '@app/migrations' appsrc: image: phundament/app:4.0.0-rc1-dev volumes: #- ../tests/_config/local.php:/app/src/config/local.php - '/app' command: 'tail -f /dev/null' # The php-fpm server for interpreting php code appfpm: environment: DB_ENV_MYSQL_DATABASE: test-adminlte-1 image: phundament/php:5.6-fpm-4.0.0-rc1-dev # host-volume for local development volumes: - ../:/app/vendor/dmstr/yii2-adminlte-asset - ../example-views/yiisoft/yii2-app/layouts:/app/src/modules/backend/views/layouts #- ../tests/_config/local.php:/app/src/config/local.php volumes_from: - appsrc links: - 'mariadb:DB' # The nginx server for serving static files directly appnginx: image: schmunk42/nginx:1.7 links: - 'appfpm:PHPFPM' # host-volume for local development volumes: - ../:/app/vendor/schmunk42/yii2-giiant volumes_from: - appsrc ports: - '80' environment: VIRTUAL_HOST: '~^test\.giiant\.' # Data Services # ------------- mariadb: image: tutum/mariadb:10.1 ports: - '3306' environment: MARIADB_PASS: secretadmin # Testing Services # ---------------- seleniumchrome: image: 'selenium/node-chrome-debug:2.46.0' links: - 'appnginx:WEB' - 'seleniumhub:HUB' ports: - '5900' seleniumfirefox: image: 'selenium/node-firefox-debug:2.46.0' links: - 'appnginx:WEB' - 'seleniumhub:HUB' ports: - '5900' seleniumhub: image: 'selenium/hub:2.46.0' ports: - '4444'